Saturday, May 31, 2008


One of the many Yahoo groups I belong to is called 'Blockbuddies'. It's a friendly group and I enjoy swapping with these gals. My completed, BuildABlockRoundRobin has come home to me. I made a 4 inch block to start with, then the block is sent to three other members and they add on to it. Thank you to Sheila, JoAnn and Lori, all of you did a GREAT job, the colors are wonderful. Joann makes the BEST points, don't you agree?

What am I working on......

I've started this Blog and have not continued with it. I'm hoping to change that.

The last time I blogged, it was about the Hershey Quilt Show last year. Well, I'm going again this year. This time, I'm bringing my sister Roberta (Bert). She knows how to sew but has never quilt. I'm hoping to change that. :)

I'm a huge fan of Carol Doak and have made the 3500 member block. I'm going to add this block to my Carol Doak BOM blocks. My plan is to have enough blocks to make a bed size quilt.
More pics coming soon...........